So, our waitress is familiar with Graveyard Shift, and so are we.
Hey, it's Skullbuster and Cole? Macon? No, Reese! Somebody on possibly the Fwoosh put the Reese head on the Cable body, which is passable; but Cable had an X-shaped scar or tattoo on his arm that Reese probably would not; hence a bit of band-aid in its place. And our "Khonshu" is the suit body and a vending machine fossil dinosaur pencil topper. Hmm, I know there's a Deadpool with the white suit, but I don't like the red tie for this, which probably just saved me forty bucks...
I thought that was Bane for a second. Or maybe Deep Six? Point is, seems like that respirator combo is a popular look.
Man, that is one big coffee pot. Makes sense though, considering she's the only waitress and probably doesn't want to have to keep getting a fresh pot. Whatever's going on with this place, she has to have artificially enhanced strength at least.
Using the that Cable body for Cole's head actually works a lot better than I thought. Definitely makes the Nuke body suggestion lame and moot.
Although for shits and giggles, go ahead and put Cole's head on that new Deathlok body so he and his body can match ;)
All waitresses are mighty! I was trained by one that was missing most of a finger but could still deliver four dinners in one trip.
Fwoosh today had that Reese head on the new Gung Ho figure; and I don't know if he was visibly a cyborg early on. Later, probably, but...
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