Where did I see that...I want to say Dave Chappelle, but that can't be right--no, it was! If you have a shotgun to defend your home, you load it bird shot, buck shot, bird shot, buck shot, buck shot, buck shot.
So, if you've got three bullets that will maybe kill Wolverine, and a bunch that will just piss him off; how do you load for that? If you're looking to catch him by surprise, you have to load your good ones up front, right? Or, honestly, I feel like the first shot is just to get him to turn around, to come at you, then pop pop pop? I haven't seen Logan in a bit, so I'm a bit iffy on if this would even kill Wolvie. So the bullets could penetrate his skull and rattle around in there until his brain leaked out his ears, but wouldn't he just heal up from even that? Like he could be walking around with those slugs just lodged up in him: he'd be messed up for a bit, sure; but he'd probably mostly recover? I don't know.
I was fairly sure I had the first appearance of "Bloody" Mary; although I can't recall if it was any good. Maybe I'll check the garage later. I think she was more into guns than Typhoid? Need different hands for her, too.
I almost feel like with Logan, you need to hit multiple important spots, hope that his healing factor can't repair all of them in time. Like, brain stem, heart, femoral artery? Maybe he bleeds out by the time his nervous system is working again?
Yeah, Bloody Mary liked guns, and I think she like telekinetically covering herself in knives. Which seems like a good way to stab yourself, but nobody ever said she had healthy coping mechanisms.
Hope that Sat's bottle didn't spill- that's where the big time trouble comes in. I find it funny like it looks like Kurt and Marc buried those guys under the floorboards. Maybe they'll move the ball pit over there next time they have one.
Can't say I'm totally surprised Sat got betrayed like that, especially since we're talking about a character like Typhoid Mary, but still...Wonder how this little scheme plays out.
Also, where's 'Pool at? Considering this whole thing involves two of his exes, you'd think we'd wind up seeing him at some point in all this, right?
Not sure of Adamantium bullets would work on him as far as killing him, but maybe if you overloaded his system w/ Adamantium like how Deathstrike was killed in X2, that might do the trick...until he's revived by his fellow Mutie Hippies on Mutie Hippy Island.
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