Wednesday, August 25, 2021


I'm not sure Alexei's head works great on the Crimson Dynamo, but it may actually work better than the Hood's on the A.I.M. soldier. The Hood's face is a great, yelling jerk; though. I hadn't intended to finish Crimson Dynamo, then picked up enough parts on the cheap that I was compelled to shell out for the rest. Which is like at least two other Build-a-Figures I've finished this year, come to think of it.

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Oh the (financial) sacrifices you make for your art! Ha ha.

All I can say is this DEFINITELY isn't going to end well for Alexei...or the others, but mostly not well for Alexei.

Matt's definitely gotta' point about Widow though and it's not like Marc hasn't had Marlene kink things up for him in the bedroom either, wearing a skimpy, modified spare MK suit with a crescent-shaped boob window and everything. They do it under the watchful gaze of a statue of Khonshu and Bushmaster's face. Hey, I'm not one to kink-shame & neither should anyone else.