Thursday, December 25, 2008

"How Deadpool Saved Assisted Didn't Wreck Had Christmas:"

As usual, click to unwrap, er, enlarge. Not sure of the setup? The first strip's here.

I know I'm not feeling Christmasy this year, but I'm sure it'll still have it's moments. And even if it's not the best one ever, well, it's still Christmas. Good enough.

Back to comics: I'm 90% sure of that Punisher reference, although I'm not sure I have those issues now. They're over-shadowed by the Garth Ennis run, but I loved the Mike Baron years, too. I'm not quite as sure if that gun is specifically intended to be a Striker shotgun--it came from a Spawn movie figure--but it's pretty close.

The Nightcrawler reference is to an actual issue, at least as far as Kurt going to a church for the visually impaired. I don't get the Catholic aspect of Nightcrawler, at all, no. And if at any point in X-Men: Quitting Time, there's reference to Kurt leaving the X-Men to "get right with God," I. Will. Scream. You'll hear it.

Even though I'm not a huge Spawn fan, every once in a while, the toys would jump out at me. The "Christmas Angel" is "Wings of Redemption" Spawn, and while I know it's recently been redone, I don't remember what series it's from. A ways back, certainly. Deadpool's referring to the crossover Batman/Spawn, which was maybe the first symptom of Frank Miller going off the rails, and um, one of the only and probably the last Spawn comic I remember reading.

At the top of page three, I intended to actually use non-dairy creamer for a snow effect, but ironically, was pretty much snowed in at the time, and couldn't get any. I only needed a pack of it, though: non-dairy creamer is revolting, and you should be a bit suspicious of anyone who uses it...

Still, all the best to everyone this Christmas, and a big thank you for coming by!


CalvinPitt said...

Having had that issue of the Baron/Janson Punisher series, I can confirm you are absolutely correct about that reference.

Now I kind of want to see Kurt go fight Columbian drug lords. Or crash the X-Men Christmas Party. That would spice things up a bit.

SallyP said...

Magnificent. And HIGHLY inspirational. Merry Christmas!