And some tape, since that's a good chunk of this: I wanted to make Marvel Legends-scaled restaurant booths, for our heroes to sit around and grouse in. There are sets you can buy on eBay or Amazon, but sometimes "1:12" doesn't quite mean Legends-scale; and I would've hated to drop $40 and it look too small. Better to just cobble it together myself out of packing foam inserts and duct tape!
It still feels like too much black, like I need something to break it up a bit. Although, that Nightcrawler figure does sit in it a lot better than I thought he was going to; and that old Mary Jane figure is a perfect waitress! She may need a notebook for orders...maybe a gold one. I put together two booths, but need to work on another (hopefully better) table and I want something for the floor. Like, not-great restaurant carpeting? If I could remember, some place was selling prints or in-scale versions of old arcade style carpeting...or maybe they were selling actual arcade style carpeting. That's a bit garish; I don't want to go quite that far...
Honestly, I did spend a few bucks on what I'm hoping will be another location later! Maybe the guys will get out of that alley for a bit. Maybe. I've been shooting these strips for some time, and it's made me way more forgiving of artists that just don't wanna draw a background this panel; or yet another episode of a show filmed in that quarry or something. I also kind of wanted a Mystic Seer for the table, but not at that price!
Still looks better than most DIY diner booths my dude. I'm sure after making a couple more, you'll be a booth-making master.
Yeah I don't know if I'd go so far as the old arcade carpeting (that's crazy they still offer that carpeting for sale) but I'm sure you'll find a happy medium.
Why am I hearing Seinfeld music all of a sudden … ?
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