Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Today's title isn't about putting something in a bottle, but rather breaking one over somebody skull, in case there was any question...

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

And now I know I new term for braining someone with a beer/wine/liquor bottle. Good to know for...future reference, yeah, something like that, haha.

Speaking of bar fights, Happy St. Patty's Day mothertrucker. Hope you're wearing a little green

Got a nice giggle out of Morbius feigning concern for that one 90's sitcom- looking guy and how he was JUST about to turn him into a human caprisun until Captain Venom showed up.

Speaking of, how nice of the good Captain to act as the universe's medium and cock-block Spidey's attempts at a nice, well-deserved victory. VERY on brand for poor Peter.