Wednesday, April 12, 2023


I did not think Howard was going to be in more than one strip! Hmm. Funny what'll happen as you randomly string things together week by week. Could he become a regular...yes and no.

It really feels like Tigra should be more popular: I'm sure with the right casting, she'll fit right into the MCU, even though they appear to have burned off Hellcat. It also feels like Tigra should be a bigger name in-story in the 616: she was an Avenger, on both coasts. And ridiculously hot. What do people make of her, though? Do they assume she's just an ordinary woman, in a costume? Or are her attributes (not like that!) more widely known because of her public status as an Avenger? That makes me think of Busiek and Perez's Avengers #10, where the team's fans turn out for a parade, and we briefly see a guy cosplaying Beast campaigning for his return to the team. (Cutaway to the X-Men watching at home: "Forget it. He's ours.") I think people would be like that all the time in the 616, maybe we just don't see it.


Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

I'd be surprised if Howard WASN'T a regular in your strips for the sheer fact it's Howard.

All this talk about Tigra, really does make you wonder who else has deep discussions about here like this one?

Should she be more popular? Yes and yes, but reasons? I know Bendis didn't care for her (obviously) due to letting her get beat up & nearly raped by the Hood, then there's (I forget who the writer is) time Jarvis dismissed her as a ho basically, so yeah, I'm sure there's strong, but mixed feelings about her.

Kurt got REALLY messed up it seems. Looks like Uber Marc beat his fuzzy blue ass.

H said...

Well, we've learned something about you, huh goo? I feel like Tigra would be seen as the equivalent of a furry or one of those people who dress up like cats in our world. I think she has those super-pheromones though, like some of the Spider-Family, so I could see why people might go wild for her there.

Don't get me wrong- she's definitely good-looking, but most female superheroes are built somewhat like that. That's what you get in an industry that's mostly heterosexual males.

googum said...

You know...hmm. Tigra was in one of the first Fantastic Four books I read--and in one of the first Avengers too! And I love her in the first West Coast Avengers mini-series--which is better in four issues than like the first three years of the regular book. Rhodey as Iron Man has a great aside, seeing Tigra: "...and I thought Wasp was the Avenger with the smallest costume!" It's a great scene, where she changes back to her old human form briefly, deciding nah, Tigra is where it's at.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Because it is, ha ha.
I've often heard the same thing, in that the original 4-issue mini-series was better overall. Does that mean you didn't care for their time-traveling adventures & Mockingbird's rape?

I myself got into them around the early 60's part of the run & stayed off & on until it unexpectedly, but probably mercifully, ended. Not that Force Works was all that worthy of being a successor though because it damn sure wasn't, especially if nothing else but for killing off Wonder Man in the very 1st issue!

CalvinPitt said...

Mr. Morbid, I think Bendis also wrote that Jarvis line. It's Skrull Jarvis, but still, Jarvis would not freaking call anyone that.

I like Tigra, though I'm not sure what her personality is really supposed to be. She was playful but overmatched in her brief Avengers stint under Shooter, unsure of herself in Stern's WCA mini-series. Engelhart made her more assertive at times, but after doing a whole thing about her cat nature taking over (which asserted itself as her seemingly being interested in every guy she saw.) And I agree with Googum, I vastly prefer the mini-series to Englehart's run, even if I did enjoy the time-travel arc in concept.

Bendis' version is better left memory-holed, Christos Gage had her trying to do the sort of stern mentor thing in Avengers Academy, the Marvel Adventures books positioned her as sort of plucky rookie, she's all over the place.

Mr. Morbid said...

Was it now? I could’ve sworn Jarvis more or less called her as much during Busiek’s run first.

CalvinPitt said...

I must be thinking of a different scene then. The one I remember is Jarvis looking at Stark and telling him basically that if Stark lets that *expletive* Tigra back on the team, he quits. And Stark just smiles in response.

I don't have much of the first year of Busiek's Avengers run, so maybe Jarvis did say something mean about Tigra there, although it seems out of character. During her time in Shooter's run, Jarvis started out awkward with her, but seemed genuinely sad when she left the team, so I assumed they'd gotten used to each other. Really, compared to party hounds like Hercules, loudmouths like Hawkeye, or jerks like Namor and Quicksilver, Tigra should be easy to get along with. Probably doesn't even shed as much as the Beast!