Wednesday, July 26, 2023


I had a typo in my script for this one, that I barely caught in time, that Corsair wasn't able to "bound" with Vulcan; and I might've corrected it to "bind" before figuring it out. The review over at OAFE noted Corsair's big divorced-dad energy, but I thought it would point out his sword's on the side it would be for a leftie, isn't it? And maybe he is; there's not a ton of consistency in some of his appearances. I re-read the big Dave Cockrum trade of Starjammers appearances beforehand, but haven't gone back to the Warren Ellis mini-series yet. 

 We weren't joking: Vulcan totally did kill his dad in Uncanny X-Men #486. Corsair would return, but the details of his resurrection have been sketchy, to the point that it's pretty clear somebody used him by mistake, and the error had to be backfilled later but kind of wasn't. I believe whatever brought him back was illegal tech--even by space standards--and he still needed booster shots of it. Which might be what he and Vulcan are going to get up to, but we don't care!


H said...

This has the scent of GOTG Vol. 2 on it. Don't know if it's going anywhere near that (or if it's going to be anything more than a throwaway gag), but interested to see what happens next. For all I know, this could turn into one of those PG-13 raunchy comedies where there's an awkward scene at a brothel.

Mr. Morbid said...

Wasn’t this during Brubaker’s run? No, it was Matt Fraction I think. Either way it was pretty dumb to kill off Cyclops’ dad& even dumber to bring him back in such a shitty, nonchalant way. At least turn the whole resurrection process into an epic quest like they used do.

Btw, has anyone ever filled Corsair in on the specific time period when Cyclops was shacking up with Emma Frost & she encouraged him and to really embrace his Uber-dickish side? Or the time he killed Professor X? Definitely feel like his dad should’ve been told all that only for his dad to give him a much-deserved spanking.