Wednesday, July 19, 2023


A plainclothes Nightcrawler can be seen leaping at Corsair on the cover of Excalibur #69, an otherwise pretty dismal issue: that was the first after Alan Davis left, and several team members are missing or benched off-page. Any conversations Kurt has with Corsair that issue are related to the alleged crimes of Cerise, which would get her written out of the book as well. But, we never see Kurt and Corsair interact much, which feels like a dropped ball, since Kurt would probably be interested in hearing about the exploits of a bona-fide space pirate. 

And Kurt's witch-mom, Margali Szardos, showed up in the books recently: she was responsible for the monsterism that hit Kurt and some others. (I don't think it was across all the X-books, like it probably should've been.) While Margali had long been portrayed as a loving adoptive mother, around 1996 she started to be portrayed as shadier and shadier. She occasionally seems to feel bad about it, but is still willing to do whatever towards her somewhat vague goals. Margali has maybe done more horrible things to Kurt than Mystique has at this point? Quantity-wise, anyway; I guess Mystique is still ahead as far as the horribleness of deeds goes; but Margali is being horrible more often.


Anonymous said...

I think Mystique still solidly clears Margali by leaps & bounds when it comes to who’s hurt him the most or overall, but that doesn’t she’s not still in the running to catch up.
Definitely makes sense that she’s behind his recent troubles though. What was her reasoning behind it?

Was Sat being sarcastic about not wanting to miss Kurt duel Corsair? Personally I’d love to see just how long Scott’s dad could hang with Kurt before inevitably losing.

I can definitely see Cap reacting that way to what Kurt said as well, lol.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

^Couldn't have said it better myself, literally took the words right out of mouth.

H said...

I think there's actually a term for Blob's relationship with Mystique. It's Goddess Syndrome or Galatea Syndrome or something like that- happens a lot with bodyguards and bouncers. They spend so much time protecting beautiful women that they can't see them as normal or flawed in any way, and will do anything to protect that image of them.

CalvinPitt said...

Mystique throwing Baby Kurt off a waterfall to save her own neck certainly gave her a healthy head start (assuming that's still in continuity), but I feel like Margali would have to be in the lead just because she keeps showing up to use him, while Mystique's meddling/manipulation is more focused on Rogue.

I did think it was ridiculous in the Krakoa stuff when Kurt supported Mystique's motion to put Destiny on the Quiet Council because it would make Mystique happy. I don't believe even Nightcrawler's that forgiving, to care about her happiness. Not like Mystique's less of a pain in the ass with her precog girlfriend around.

Anyway, Corsair! Definitely wasn't expecting him. Is it time for another space adventure?

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

@H: That IS interesting to learn man. Never heard of that until now, but it kinda makes sense in Blobby's case, especially in addition to how well Raven's a time-tested, proven master of manipulation.

@CalvinPitt: I definitely agree w/ you about Kurt & how he handled that whole Destiny situation. I know the writer framed it as Mystique knowing she could manipulate & tug at Kurt's heartstrings to get him on her side, and it worked, especially because Kurt let it work. Of course, he may have also seen how the tide was moving in Mystique's favor anyways, & simply decided to not to fight it. Idk, honestly for me EVERYONE but the usual manipulative suspects are acting out of characters ever since this whole hippy mutant commune idea became a thing. You'd think, knowing how manipulative a lot of the mutants there are, especially when allowing them to have says in important political & social matters for the entire community, they'd know all of their tricks & keep them in check (a la Mr. Sinister).