Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Marc may or may not be telling the truth here; but his Jake Lockley persona has snuck around on him before.

Seemingly a million years ago, in our first strips with Satana, she had picked up the ability to grind up evil souls for magic power. Not being particularly motivated to do anything with said power, it's not come up a whole bunch. Would most of Spidey's villains even notice if they had lost their souls? The Goblin types probably not; one like Doc Ock, who has occasionally had outside interests besides being a dick, that would bother him.


H said...

I'd buy that Jake and Mary have done it- their whole relationship seems a bit Tyler/Marla. And cabbies do get around, in more ways than one.

Sat could probably give them part of their souls back later- I mean, she only took half of Wade's soul and that was enough to take out a lesser demon. It is odd though that Marvel never had an Underworld Unleashed type event, considering they have enough demons willing and able to make those kinds of deals.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Nice trick on Marc's part with Kurt playing along either knowingly or unwittingly.
Do cab drivers usually get a lot of ass? That seems like a HUGE misconception outside the realm of porn. Maybe if they did though they'd be better drivers and better-tempered? Idk.
As for the whole soul deal, DEFINITELY not any of the Goblins by now. Maybe Doc Ock yeah, and some others, but that's about it.