Friday, March 04, 2022

Oh, I'm feeling the pain.

Even after all these years, I can still occasionally find something in the quarter bins I've never even heard of before, something that leaves me wondering "what the hell was that?" In a surprised way, not necessarily a "that was a good comic" way. From 1996, Neuro Jack #1, written by James Chambers, art by Erika Taguchi.
"Art" is underselling her credit, though: this issue was "all digital art!" Back when that would've been a somewhat substantial undertaking. Big Entertainment's hype page mentions Neuro Jack was first seen on "the Microsoft Network and Prodigy," which to most people today might as well as been wax cylinders. The story is a bit of cyberpunk lite, with the titular Jack, a consciousness somehow uploaded to "the 'net," an alien information network created by the Gnomans. The Gnomans look like they're from an entirely different comic, more cartoony.
Big Entertainment, or maybe just Big, used to be Tekno Comics: we've seen a couple issues of Gene Roddenberry's posthumous Lost Universe. Which also wasn't great. The aforementioned hype page mentions an issue of Leonard Nimoy's Primortals with a Kelley Jones cover...not his best, but I do feel like they used to throw their money into getting covers. Lost Universe had some Sienkiewicz numbers that I still feel like would sell some comics now.

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Honestly never heard of this Neuro Jack before, like ever. Definitely a relic of it's era though with that early digital art style. Looks a bit cheap even for the times as I'm thinking a bigger studio could do a bit better, but that's just me. I wonder if there was even a follow up to this 1st issue.

Awww Tekno Comics. They were all the rage in the pages of Wizard Magazine back in the day. Even snagged Spock but never made much of a lasting impact in the industry overall did they?