Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Sadly, I didn't go all-out on set design this week, but I'm not sure what a proper green room at a bigger venue would look like nowadays. Probably kind of plain? Of course, now that I'm done it occurs to me I could've maybe googled that, if searches worked for anything anymore. Are artists going to have to go back to keeping morgues of reference material?  (By the way, if you haven't seen the movie Green Room, you probably should.) 

 Hmm, we've actually seen Paladin before twice; but I think Dazzler has only appeared in background shots? If even that? Although her name has been dropped on more than one occasion.


Mr. Morbid said...

Green Room really is a good movie! Sir Patrick Stewart really worked hard on selling me that he can be a an evil neo-nazi bastard and I both love & hate him for how easy he plays a racist asshole.

Poor Paladin, he really doesn’t get enough respect due someone his power set.

H said...

Please don’t tell me you have a Taylor Swift action figure.

I like Paladin- he was a member of Silver Sable’s Wild Pack and I’ve mentioned I liked that book before.

Don’t know why Kurt would bring Dazzler over- I think he was there when one of the Cables said not to, and he at least humors these dire warning guys. Have to see where this goes, and how many more time travelers show up.

CalvinPitt said...

Kurt may have humored Bishop, but he also hasn't hidden that he thinks Bishop and Cable are incompetent at preventing the dire futures they're always nattering on about.

And having Dazzler there may cause all the time travelers to panic (or celebrate) and return to their respective times, which will result in a lot fewer headaches for Kurt.

(Also, it's always nice to see Kurt get to be his playful, flirty self in these strips. Exasperated, fed-up Kurt is fun, no doubt, but ladies man Kurt is a lot of fun, too.)

Mr. Morbid said...

Knowing Goo like I think I do, I don’t think he hates himself that much to do that….then again, in service to a storyline….maybe?

Mr. Morbid said...

You may have either spoiled the ending or given Goo an idea on how to end this.

And yes, flirty Kurt is the most fun Kurt, tied only with Swashbuckler Kurt.