Friday, November 22, 2013

"They'd never kill off a character as beloved or as marketable as me!"

Target has apparently cornered the chibi market, and now have these 3-pack DC ones. I got Batman right out of the gate, although he has a couple scratches on his head, and is the most slender of the ones I've picked up so far.

Hawkman is larger than most of them, and pleasingly triangular. Flash's legs are longer and separated to signify speed, I guess; and Green Arrow and Aquaman's respective weapons could make them easy for you to find in the bags. The ones I haven't seen yet are Cyborg, Supergirl, and Shazam! Although I may have enough of these, since the fourth bag I bought was all does strike me as slightly odd that they went with a recognizably Damian Wayne version of Robin, since the character was kind of doomed and is currently dead. It remains to be seen if I'll crack and buy more, though. Three minutes of looking, and apparently Target isn't selling these online, so it's trudge down to a store, or I dunno, pay scalpers' prices on eBay.

In other news, I have to work a bit of overtime on the weekend, which should be a joyless drudge. Did I say joyless drudge? Sorry, I meant joyless drudge. Have fun for me!

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