And neither is Iron Man 2020, despite appearances. From 2008, Marvel Adventures: Iron Man #7, "Ghost of a Chance" Written by Fred Van Lente, pencils by Graham Nolan, inks by Victor Olazaba.

Tony bails on this year's Stark International corporate retreat, since he's working on a new subterranean armor; which, oddly enough, also wouldn't really appear here! (EDIT: Honestly, I thought Tony was going to dig his way there...) Rhodey and Pepper are in the Balkans, on their way for a fun weekend of skiing, until a tractor beam pulls their plane into possibly the strictest no-fly zone in the world: Latveria! Dr. Doom contacts Tony by hologram, claiming to have "thwarted your clumsy attempt at industrial espionage" but he will pardon the "spies" if Tony gives up his "cosmic ray decontamination device." Tony has a pretty good idea why Doom wants that, so he has to try something else: can't storm the castle in regular armor, though. Instead, he opts for his new Ghost armor!

Like the more common stealth armor, this version didn't have any weapons; moreover, Ghost didn't even have boot-jets! Tony has to parachute in and sneak around, and discovers Doom keeps his subjects from receiving outside information and on a steady diet of fearmongering propaganda. In the Latverian fake-news reports, the 2020-looking Iron Man is a cruel oppressor of the workers, the tool of "robber baron Tony Stark!" I'm hoping that's fake news, anyway. Tony is nearly discovered by Kristoff--not the boy that Doom would turn into a version of himself, but a Chihuahua? Tony manages to outwit the dog, before Doom finds him, and points out one of his major foes is a woman that can literally turn invisible, so he had kind of put some prep time into that.

Doom puts Iron Man on a somewhat campy show trial, but Tony had his defense all lined up: a secret transmitter, that would start broadcasting western media all over Latveria if anything happened to him. Probably because we're running out of pages, Doom blinks, freeing everyone. Tony still has cartoons and news on every TV in the country, though. Seems like the classy thing to do would be to cancel your threat when you're out of danger, but okay. Also this issue: another Chris Giarrusso Mini-Marvels page! Man, I miss those.
1 comment:
I miss those too.
This model would make a nice figure I think. I do like how it the face part seems to really just be the pointed visor one from his early Avengers days.
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