Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Crossbones straight-up no-sale'd his fight with Kurt, about a million posts back! And it likewise feels like a hundred years since I've read a modern comic where a bad guy gets beat up and taken to the cops or whatever. Which wouldn't work all of the time, would it? If you're a thug and get beat up by Daredevil or Spider-Man, wouldn't you just claim they went nuts and beat you up for no reason? Unless a witness testifies, what evidence would they have on you? It wouldn't always work, and you'd probably be held for a while, but still.

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Good point. I think they kinda address this with Batman sometimes that basically they get released either the next day or that very day due to lack of evidence and testimony.
Other than that, it's best not to tug to tightly on that fragile string.

"Solitude of Frankness" Dude I don't care what anybody says, that's fucking CANON now!