I'm not super up on the current Hickman X-books, which may be because I just got more and more agitated reading the solicits for the new titles. "Oh, a new Excalibur! ...and Nightcrawler's not in it. Maybe he's in the book where they're pirates...no? C'mon!" But I know Sabretooth got imprisoned in Krakoa and the mutant council type made killing humans a major offense. Like Moon Knight asks, I don't know if that applies to, y'know, name brand mutants like Wolvie. Kurt is acting like it would apply to him, but that may either be because he has to set an example, or he knows it would be a major hassle if he broke the rules.
We may be out for the rest of the week, though! I was working on another episode during Crisis on Infinite Earths, and tomorrow night I'm going to Mystery Science Theater 3000 Live! I'll get my lazy hide back to work soon enough.
Yeah I stopped reading Hickman's X-Men stuff after reading the entirety of those two minis. Good stuff, but from what I hear the ongoing isn't translating as well.
Still can't get over the fact that Xavier's willing to work hand in hand w/ Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister (for now) but again I chalk that up to Karkoa itself influencing everybody to play nice. We all know it won't last tho and all the toys will be put back in the toybox eventually.
Funny stuff here tho, as usual.
I think Marvel's missing out on an opportunity for Khonshu to try and openly recruit Frank to his cause. I mean, based off Huston's run, he seemed envious of Frank's "devotion" as an avatar of death, so why not try to recruit Frank one of these days. It won't go done well of course, but it would still be fun to watch unfold.
Have fun @ MST3000. I'll give you a ring this weekend and you can tell me how it went.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Logan gets a pass on the killing thing from all the "killing is BAD!" heroes these days. As opposed to Ghost Rider, Deadpool, the Punisher, who still get the stinkeye about it. So I expect Logan to rack up his usual triple digit body counts in his new book.
Also, I agree that it's nuts to have a book specifically about X-Men being pirates, and not include Nightcrawler. I might have actually bought one of these X-Books if they had.
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