Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Is everyone that would buy from a space lizard questionable?...put like that, maybe? 

We are referencing some actual continuity today: the Baron Strucker LMD, from Captain America #274. It was blown up pretty good, but those things have a habit of turning up again; and the LMD managed to kill "Happy" Sawyer, Fury's boss from the Howling Commando days. Which might make the LMD more successful than any living version of Strucker?

The Quist are an actual Marvel alien race, that I know nothing about off the top of my head; but that gem is from the Target-exclusive Indiana Jones (Club Obi Wan). OAFE has a very nice review, assuring you that you will lose his accessories. Accept it! I haven't yet, but it's a matter of time.  

  Oh, and the Court Jester is as good a movie as any to represent earth, y'ask me.


Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Honestly any movie by Danny Kaye is required viewing. I myself happen to enjoy the one where he plays Hans Christian Anderson, but that's me, as his entire catalogue of films is 100% worth watching.

Good slip up by the Baron, but you really can't blame him due to his programming. Plus I remember several years ago when saying "Hail Hydra" was all the rage amongst the kiddies. Better, more innocent times.

I'm sure buying grade-A weapons from a space lizard is one the more least objectionable & questionable things humankind has done, especially Americans. Trust me, if they could overlook the fact that he's a giant space lizard (who better just be visiting & not planning on immigrating to this country) than they'll gladly overlook it for an edge against other countries. Plus he's the same color as the one thing they love more than themselves; money.

CalvinPitt said...

I mean, I would at least want to see what C'hod had to sell, and I'm not a questionable. . . OK, bad example.

Googum, I'm sure you've answered this before, but did you make Kurt's "BAMF" effect? It's nifty.

googum said...

It is, and thank you! I kinda want to knock out a new one, one of these days.