Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Part of this is a riff on the recent-ish Heroes Reborn: Hyperion and the Imperial Guard, which featured an altered timeline where young Hype spent some time as a space hero, not unlike Superboy's time with the Legion of Super-Heroes. Except of course it ended terribly for about everyone involved. I don't think Fang was actually in it, but he's here, so...poor Fang did get his pants (and shirt!) stolen by Wolvie, was killed by the Brood in their first storyline, and then much later I think there was a girl-Fang, then clones? I'm probably not imagining that, I hope.

Also, I'm not sure if this has changed, but it used to be Hyperion was considered his dimension's version of an Eternal. But the Eternals have gotten...weird, since then? The powers sorta lined-up, but not much else does. Honestly, Hype usually has more personality than an entire Eternal host; even if it's his jerk version like here. 


Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Did-did you actually buy two Fangs, getting the extra for the sake of this skit? If so, that's definitely a good example of dedication to your art, ha ha.

I did not know he had such a high mort rate. Wow. And being cloned too, but why? What makes him so special? Ooooh, bc they can just throw a bunch of him at the villain of the month like Star Trek does with Red Shirts right? Gotcha.
Speaking of, a funny & clever writer could've referenced that point of contention between Fang & Logan by either a). Fang stealing HIS clothes while on Earth, or b). when Logan died, stop by the mansion to collect the exact clothes Logan could've left for him in his will. Probably wasn't washed though, just saying.

So Hyperion's still technically an Eternal then...I bet he's SO glad he wasn't involved in that stupid ass A.X.E Judgement Day "event"
I'm still a little salty I let myself get suckered into reading that huge waste of time.

googum said...

I'm not 100% on this, but I feel like Fang's planet has to send somebody to serve on the Imperial Guard, and rather than somebody volunteering as tribute, why not just clone this jerk and keep sending him? The Shi'ar are bird-guys and Fang...obviously is not; so I don't think his people are that into it and/or the Shi'ar don't notice or care they keep sending the same guy. Literally, the same guy. (There are other reasons why I got him; that'll come up later!)

The Immortal X-Men A.X.E. issue, where Nightcrawler spams the game with resurrections, is great! And I kind of liked some of the judgements, which was more like the characters judging themselves: DD thinks he's failing, Doom knows he's awesome.

H said...

Ok, I looked it up and it turns out it's some of both- the first few Fangs were just different guys that everybody called Fang, but his home planet also replaces anyone who dies with a clone and memory tapes. So, basically ahead of the Krakoa curve.

Man, Marvel had (or maybe still has) a low opinion of DC when they made the Squadron Supreme, didn't they? Though to be fair, most of those criticisms did pan out to be true over the years. It might have been because a lot of the new guys DC hired came from Marvel but still.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

@Googum: OK, that was admittedly pretty cool, as was resurrecting Cap complete with his shield in his pod, because why not right?

@H: Hmm, makes sense.
You're probably right, plus that element of friendly rivalry does come into play as well. DC's done it right back to them as well various times.
Kurt Busiek gave DC the hardest diss when he had Hawkeye call the JLA a 2nd rate Squadron Supreme. Jesus, that was savage.

H said...

Considering Kurt Busiek’s best work has been for DC (some of it for JLA specifically), having Hawkeye do it seems more like a joke on Hawkeye than the JLA but point taken.

I feel like DC doesn’t do it as often as Marvel (partially because they haven’t done as many humor magazines, and that’s where it typically shows up) and isn’t as harsh as Marvel is. Even the ones where the writers planned it with each other as a stealth crossover (like how the Freedom Fighters showed up in The Invaders and vice versa), the DC side seemed to treat them more respectfully.