Wednesday, August 09, 2023


Ah, when all else fails, time for crowd scenes with figures I've probably bought recently!


H said...


Is that Gomez Addams in the fez? I didn't know they made a classic Addams Family series. What would the build-a-figure be if they did one, Lurch? I mean, I can imagine for one of the cartoons or movies they would but that looks like John Astin to me.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Sounds like a hell of plan, what could ever go wrong? *sly face*

And yes, Ch'od is sadly all too on the nose, Our planet really doesn't make sense. Actually, Earth's fine, it's the people living on it that make no damn lick of sense.

googum said...

Our fez-wearing friend is Kazim, from the Indiana Jones line! I think he was a Target exclusive maybe, but swell for background stuff like this.

Ch'od may go on about this, but I don't think he thinks earth even has physics as he knows it: the planet's produced a ton of super-powered individuals, yet barely can travel into space. It's like if you went to the zoo, and all the monkeys had lighters and sacks of bottle rockets: it might be dangerous, but it's more confusing.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

@Goo: Honestly the monkeys with lighters & sacks of bottle rockets comparison is more than a fair one to make. Boy does that make me feel sad.