Wednesday, August 30, 2023


I may have to go find an old Judge Dredd, featuring "the Gribligs." It's a pretty jokey one, that still includes a couple of murders and bodies eaten by an invasive, if cute, alien life form. Kurt and Sat are not going to follow up on this, unless I get like 20 Cr'reee figures somewhere...

And I'm 40% sure "fuzzy reprobate" is from somewhere in Sam & Max, but I'm not positive. Also, I'm fairly sure I've read some actual comics with Xemnu, and aside from that one Immortal Hulk panel of him invoking nostalgia as a weapon, I can't recollect them. Mmm, take that back: I swear once or twice, in "Hulk's greatest hits" kind of issues, there's usually a callback to Xemnu getting punched.


Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Welp, Kurt's Earth is majorly forked up for sure after this...maybe.

How'd you get that 2nd Cr'ee figure? Maracari? Ebay?

I don't remember Xemnu using the pretense of a kids show as a means of staging an alien invasion, but that does sounds admittedly pretty cool, and also VERY plausible given how some networks would let that stuff slide if it meant the type of ratings news channels get from continually mentioning Trump on their channel.

I vaguely remember that Immortal Hulk issue, so I'll probably need to re-read it, but I do remember that was he best he'd be handled & showcased in a long while.

So, as a popular song by the band Filter goes, "Where do we go from here?"
I've personally being enjoying this little arms dealer story arch you've been gifting us, so I'm curious who's getting the spotlight this time around?

H said...

Nah, Gribligs aren’t that bad- they just want to mate until they run out of space, and then mate some more.

I think I’ve seen Xemnu’s original story in one of those reprint volumes, but the only modern stuff with him I’ve read is the She-Hulk stories where he was child-like. Or maybe he was trying to marry Jen- there were a bunch of the 50’s cosmic monsters in that series so it’s hard to keep them straight.

googum said...

The Xemnu story I'm referencing was Marvel Feature #3, featuring the Defenders. Huh, Roy Thomas...I was thinking it was going to be later in the regular series and maybe Steve Gerber, but nope! Even if it didn't immediately come to mind, it's on the same bookshelf I shoot these strips on: Essential Defenders volume 1 was on the bottom shelf!

I bought the whole Ch'od wave online, but mid-summer most of the wave was deeply marked down at Target: the spare Cr'reee was from that spare Fang we had last week! Plotwise, I know where I'm going, but my god I meander: Ch'od may have still more clients!

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...


I mean he's an interplanetary arms dealers with looser morals than a politician...of COURSE he's he'll still have more clients to sucker money from.

Also, having just saw that Marvel Feature cover, ooof. Xemnu as an alien pied piper was not on my personal bingo card. Definitely gives off creepy vibes the way he says he's coming for the children, especially when viewed in a darker, more adult lense.