Thursday, August 17, 2023

Are Ultron figures going to be like Doctor Who actors? Everyone's got a soft spot for one from years ago, and every time a new one is announced everyone decides they now like the last one. Thankless, really.
That said, I do prefer the last regular Ultron Marvel Legend, from 2021. The What If? Build-a-Figure I must have finished earlier this year: I think I caved on the Hawkeyes. But this current one; I don't like his head as well as the previous; who could chew on his little energy-effect more convincingly. And the new one's chest seems to have almost a crack? Which seems to be a common problem, I'm not the only one!
Still, I didn't pick up any of the rest of this wave yet; I guessed Ultron would be the first to sell out. And I swear I saw five Kangs on the racks at a local Target...I'm kind of thinking I can hold out a bit? Although, the Kang pile isn't as deep as the Ultron one yet.

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Yeah upon seeing it now, that newer Ultron figure sure does look like a downgrade from the previous one. Quality control was DEFINITELY asleep at the wheel when these figures were allowed out of the factory.

Also, why Matt wasn't IMMEDIATELY made an Avenger or even an honorary one after jobbing out Ultron is beyond me. I bet Hank & the other Avengers pissed themselves laughing at someone like Matt beating a touch killing machine like Ultron.