Wednesday, September 20, 2023


What, we're coming back on something we set up earlier? How often does that happen? 

So I don't think I got to read any of the big Cosmic Cube stories as a kid, since by that time they were up to the weird ones, like Captain America Annual #7 or the Fantastic Four issues with Kubik--actually, looking at that cover, I'm not positive I've read that one, it would've been a fill-in to give Walt Simonson breathing room after FF #350! I want to say the Super-Adaptoid goes on about the Cubes in Avengers #290 as well, and the Englehart Fantastic Four #319 "Secret Wars III" ends with the Beyonder and the Molecule Man turned into a Cosmic Cube, never to be seen or heard from ever, ever again. My understanding is, A.I.M. and others might still be able to make them; but the Cubes eventually turn into like the Shaper of Worlds or something and are usually kind of pissed about being enslaved for however long.

Also, can anybody identify our Cube-customer? I think I got him at a yard sale or something and have no goddamn idea what he is. Ah, a quick search found him this time: Edgar, from Men in Black! I didn't get him with the little slimed figures that fit inside him, but, um, that's okay.


Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Poor Kurt. He's about to be Plan B'd.
Who says good(bad) things don't happen to those who wait, considering Blobby's waited two whole months to enact his revenge on Kurt.

I'm glad you finally mentioned how silly it was for Feige or whoever was responsible for renaming Cosmic Cubes into a "Tesseract", which might sound cool to some, or at least those not familiar at all w/ Cosmic Cubes, but to the rest of us fans, it was very unnecessary.

Mentioning Kublik just gives me fond memories of Englehart's FF run, even though it didn't end the way he wanted, it sure was fun while it lasted.

H said...

Ok, I recognize Blobby and Gobby but can’t figure out who’s in the middle. The pants say Mysterio, but I don’t think he’s a team-up guy outside of the Sinister Six. Not sure what anyone but Blobby wants with Kurt but knowing Kurt (and especially if it really is Mysterio), mind control is probably involved.

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

@H: It's Puff Adder, the newest Marvel Legends BAF. We're that much closer to FINALLY completing the Serpent Society.