This is my first Bucky figure, as Bucky anyway: I did get the Marvel Universe new Captain America a while back. But somehow I missed the pre-Legends Toy Biz one, and the Hasbro Legends version. Probably because at the time, when I thought Bucky, the next thought was "dead as."
I liked the sculpt and paint, but a head's-up: the waist joint on mine, just above the beltline, is loose. Insanely loose. Like, spin three-quarters of the way around at the slightest touch. Sy-klone only wishes he spun like this.
I picked up Bucky for a homemade strip (probably next week!) but the big selling point for me? He comes with two Thompson machine guns! Bucky probably wouldn't have had the gangster-style drum magazines during World War II, but they look cool. Even though the chances are slim, and I think it's at least somewhat illegal (or you have to jump through a bunch of hoops) I would love to own a tommygun. Probably the least geeky thing that I really want...
I was also going to go on a bit of a rant about the Marvel Universe figures, and how I don't especially want (or plan) on repurchasing a lot of the characters I have as Marvel Legends...then I got Ultron and Mr. Fantastic on sale this afternoon. Let me get back to you on that one...
I'll be honest, I only want the figure for the Tommies. I'd toss the mother-Bucker into the pile of custom fodder, though.
Excellent post, I just love this little figures, specially if we're collecting figures of Marvel. Most of Marvel's fictional characters operate in a single reality known as the Marvel Universe and it's so hard to find them... so this blog is an important tool for it. 23jj
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