Ah, time zones: do I talk to anyone in mine? Some days it doesn't feel like it! And I grew up in Mountain time, and I have vivid memories of CBS ads for specials, cartoons and such, that would always say something like 9:00 Eastern, 6:00 Pacific; and I would have no goddamn idea when A Charlie Brown Christmas was on and I would get all furrow-browed and sad. So I feel this guy, here.
Is this the one panel from Justice that made an impression with me? Just about, since they kept retconning the damn book! The first issue is perfectly readable, alien warrior, stranger in a strange land jazz; the next several from Steve Englehart turn up the fantasy elements. There's an issue or three in there with Keith Giffen art too, including one where the above villain eschews using a phone and just uses his hand--and creepy, demonic-looking breath--instead. The book had like six writers in about 15 issues, and #15 is a massive retcon. (I had to try and look: have I never bitched about this? In 16 years of blogging?) The New Universe was supposed to be "the world outside your window" and not have overt fantasy elements like other worlds and mystic knights, so the whole thing was the hero, affected by a reality warping villain, tripping balls for about a year and a half. His costume also changed to an inexplicable purple number with a lightning bolt--I liked the old design--and his white hair was no longer punk rock, but aging dad. Feh. Of course, I would read later issues, because I was a fan of Peter David, but even he could only do so much. (It's also weird that Justice survived the culling of half the New Universe around the one year mark, then was asked to continue so changed.)
Anyway, if you look in the quarter bins, like at all, ever; you'll probably see some Justice issues. You may even be tempted, but resist! They'll just hurt you in the end. I was flush with cash and comics were cheap if you subscribed, and I was getting Psi-Force, Justice, and D.P.7 in the mail, maybe ten issues before they were all finally put down. D.P.7 may still hold up, but the rest, doubtful. This is why I have almost an allergic reaction every time somebody tries to bring back the Star Brand in Avengers: I was OK with Gruenwald doing it once in Quasar, and that was it.
I've actually heard of what they did to the Justice character with that retcon before. Man a lot of those marvel employees sure did hate the fuck out of Jim Shooter to really go full out to fuck with the perimeters he set and willingly go against them didn't they? haha.
But I'm with the guy about abolishing time zones although I'm not sure how that would really work considering the actual time differences that exist. How about we end Daylight savings time first and go from there?
Well, that guy's plan was pretty much "wherever I am, that's what time it is everywhere, because I say so." (He seems like the big bad here, but really wasn't, and I forget how he got killed. The girl was mind-controlled over to the evil side, but later gets killed trying to gun down a witness.)
I flipped through a few issues of Justice, and there's some early Lee Weeks art in the later half.
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