...but this one will do.
Longtime readers here may have noticed I've been dogging it a bit here lately. At least, I feel like I have. It's due in part to being slightly fed up with comics: Nightcrawler dead, the only two books I read from DC (Warlord and Unknown Soldier) are both being cancelled, $3.99 is the new price point, and more. I might not talk about current comics events like DC Comics killing their CMX imprint or spiralling comic sales, but rest assured I worry about them as well. Overall, I like comics, and I'd like them to be around for the foreseeable future, which doesn't necessarily seem like a given.
That's great, but what does that have to do with fat Deadpool, you ask? Well, a couple months ago at my work a few employees got together to have a "Biggest Loser" style competition. Everyone throws in ten bucks, and whoever loses the highest percentage of weight by the last weigh-in wins the pot. I got talked into entering (initially, I wasn't sure if it would be fair, since I'm a guy, and don't guys lose weight differently? I don't know) and then I was in it to win it. So far, as of right this second, I've lost 22 pounds. Yeah, I won't put a ton of effort into losing weight for my health or any nancy reason like that, but I will for cash and prizes. That probably says something about me...
Anyway, aside from laying off the carbs and not eating after 7 PM each night, the loss is probably due to walking. I run a little, but not as much as I used to, since my knees are a little dicey: they're holding up, but I'm babying them. I walk Sam so much, I'm worried I'm going to wear that dog down to a nub. Ah, I say that but could doubtless walk him three times as far before he would complain. I've walked so far, I wore holes in my newest pair of shoes. Honest-to-goodness, hobo-style holes; I don't think I've ever worn shoes down to that point. (Usually, the tops tear or the toes.) I think the walking also helps because if I'm walking, I'm not dumping food down my face.
So, I'm probably in front of my computer a little less, or reading comics a little less than usual. The upside is, I enjoy walking, and a lot of ideas for homemade strips come when I'm wandering around. Rest assured, I'm not going anywhere, except for a little stroll here and there. Oh, and I'll be out 'til Tuesday, so have a good, long weekend!
Scan from Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth #9, written by Victor Gischler, art by Bong Dazo, inks by Victor Pimentel.
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